A hernia is a tear in the muscle or tissue that allows part of the intestines or other internal organs to bulge out. Sometimes, the hernia can be seen depending on the location and size. There are different types of hernia such as inguinal hernia (groin), femoral hernia (upper thigh), ventral hernia (midline of the abdomen), incisional hernia (previous surgical scar), and hiatal hernia. Severe hernia symptoms include intense pain, nausea, vomiting, and constipation. Hernias can cause organs to become infected, blocked, or strangled. A skilled surgeon such as Dr. Lakshmikanth can detect a hernia in a physical exam. A battery of tests could also be recommended to assess the condition and cause. When the hernia worsens and symptoms become acute, surgery is the only option. There are two types of surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is less invasive and is usually preferred over open hernia surgery, which requires larger cuts. As part of the surgery, surgical gastroenterologists...